3.13 Inactivation and Disposal Support


Services Experience:
ETTC Contract: Our ETTC contract has been extremely active in the Improvement and Modernization program
for the Eglin Range and has also been active in the deactivation and disposal of obsolete and unneeded
capabilities. We use the Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service to aid in the recycling of used targets after
the targets are certified to be free from unexploded ordnance and are demilitarized.
WROCI Contract: InDyne has put several WR systems into an inactivation, caretaker, mothball, or prepared-fordisposal
status. In addition, WROCI is in the process of bringing Distant Object Attitude Measurement System
and FPQ-6 radars out of caretaker status.

All Points Logistics

Services Experience:
Since 2002, APL has been responsible for the Boeing Property Management System on the CAPPS contract at
KSC, including the identification, inactivation and disposal of obsolete assets. Our experience with NPR 4300.1,
NASA Personal Property Disposal Procedural Requirements, is a part of our integrated processes and procedures
and the foundation of our property management methodology. APL works closely with the DCMA Property
Disposal Officers to coordinate property inactivation and disposal support activities in a timely and efficient
manner. Local procedures provide the policies and requirements for the identification, storage, transportation,
and disposal of hazardous and universal wastes defined in the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)
of 1976, as well as controlled wastes generated by the CAPPS and ISS processing areas.


Erica Lane Enterprises

Services Experience:
Marshall Space Flight Center (NASA) Logistics Support Services

MEI Technologies

Services Experience:
DHEP Contract: We dispose of flight and test articles after they have been returned to earth via the Space
Shuttle, or are otherwise no longer needed. We also have curation experience, where we keep used equipment
for possible future use on new projects.