InDyne Congratulates Timothy Conn on Receiving the Patrick S. Sharp Air Combat Survivability Award for Technical Achievement

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November 2024 - Timothy Conn, Chief Scientist for the National Radar Cross Section Test Facility, was presented the Patrick S. Sharp Air Combat Survivability Award for Technical Achievement at the 2024 National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA) Aircraft Survivability Symposium in Monterey, CA held November 5-7, 2024.This award is presented to an individual who has made significant technical contributions to any aspect of aircraft survivability.

Don Bishop, InDyne President and CEO, Donates a Metroliner Aircraft to Pensacola State College

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Pensacola State College announced the donation of a Fairchild Merlin IV aircraft by Don Bishop, InDyne CEO and President. The aircraft will be used in the College’s Aviation Airframe Mechanics and Aviation Power Plant Mechanics (A&P Mechanics) Program.

A Message from Don Bishop, InDyne President and CEO

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InDyne is honored to be selected by the United States Army (USA) to perform the Electronic Proving Ground (EPG) Scientific Engineering Support Services (SESS) contract at Fort Huachuca, Arizona. On behalf of the InDyne team, we look forward to working with you.
Fort Huachuca is one of DoD’s foremost test and training ranges, testing a broad spectrum of equipment throughout its life cycle. Fort Huachuca has a rich history of range operations and maintenance support and testing, and a wealth of experience in you, the workforce. The InDyne team is eager to get to work with the EPG workforce and the community to support EPG’s mission “to plan, conduct, analyze and report the results of developmental tests, in support of our Network, EW, and C4SIR customers.”

InDyne Announces a Change in Leadership for Reliance Test and Technology: Ray "Buzz" Toth and Doug Blake to Assume New Roles

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[Crestview, FL] – Don Bishop, InDyne CEO, is pleased to announce a change in leadership for Reliance Test and Technology (RT&T). Ray "Buzz" Toth will take over the role of President of RT&T, and Doug Blake will take on the role of Vice President of RT&T and General Manager of the Eglin Operations Maintenance Services (E-OMS) contract at Eglin Air Force Base, FL. Don Bishop commented, "We're excited to bring back the team that performed so well at AEDC! Buzz and Doug are the right team to lead RT&T into the future, and together bring over 20 years of senior management experience to the organization."